Station Medical Clinic
Established in 1990, the practice is dedicated to delivering excellent medical care, treating every patient with the utmost privacy, dignity, and consideration. Our goal is to foster a "family practice" atmosphere within a medical centre setting, ensuring a welcoming and compassionate environment for all.

Billing Policy
Chatswood Station Medical Clinic operates under a mixed billing model. This means that our fees may vary depending on the type of consultation, the services provided, and the healthcare professional you consult. We offer bulk billing for eligible patients, including pensioners, healthcare cardholders, and children under the age of 16.
Each doctor independently sets their own fees for consultations.
Please note that standard consultations are limited to 15 minutes.
Standard consultations last between 10-15 minutes, and we kindly request that you limit your discussion to one issue per consultation. Patients with appointments will generally be seen before walk-in patients, except in cases of emergency. If you arrive at the clinic late in the day or when the clinic has reached full capacity, you may be unable to see a doctor unless it is an urgent emergency. In such instances, a receptionist will inform you about this and provide guidance on alternative care options and after-hours services.

Test Results
Results can be discussed with an appointment.
You will be contacted if results require urgent attention.
Zero Tolerance Policy
We believe our staff are exceptional and deserve respect.
Patients who use abusive language or exhibit aggressive, threatening behaviour will be removed from the waiting list.
If necessary, the police will be contacted to address the situation.
Interpreter Services
Please advise the Receptionist if an Interpreter is needed, or if information is required in a language other than English.
The Interpreter Service is free to holders of a valid Medicare Card.
Third Party Providers
Pathology and other service providers set their own fees and have specific policies regarding Medicare rebates. We cannot guarantee that a particular fee will be applicable to your circumstances. Please consult directly with your third-party service provider regarding their fees.

Worker's Compensation
Please inform the reception staff upon your arrival if your consultation is related to Worker's Compensation.
Payment is required on the day of service unless you have an active claim number and an insurance provider that will cover the costs. Our reception team is available to assist you in documenting your claim details.
Home & Other Visits
Regular patients of Dr. Ian McIntosh may request a home visit on weekdays if their condition prevents them from attending the clinic. Please notify the clinic reception, and the doctor will get in touch with you to arrange the visit.
For home visits outside of clinic hours, see information regarding 'after hours care' on the 'Contact Us' page.
Repeat Prescriptions
& Referrals
Repeat prescriptions and referrals can be provided in response to scheduling an appointment for a consultation.
Women's Health
You can discuss women's health matters with any of the practitioners at our clinic. Additionally, we have several female practitioners available on a regular basis.

At this clinic, we respect patient's rights and needs by treating them with courtesy and respect. Emergency cases are given priority. Most consultations take 10-15 minutes. Please advise reception staff if you anticipate needing a longer consultation, e.g. complicated problems, medicals. If you come to the clinic late in the day, or if the clinic is at full capacity, there is a possibility that you may not be able to see a Doctor, unless it is an absolute emergency. A receptionist will advise you of this and will advise you of other care options and after hours services
After-Hours Care
In the event of a medical emergency outside of clinic operating hours, dial 000 for an ambulance or go to the nearest hospital's accident and emergency department (Royal North Shore Hospital). Additionally, our clinic partners with the Family Home Doctor Service for after-hours home visits. To arrange for a doctor to visit you at home, please call 13 74 25 after 4 PM on weekdays, after 10 AM on Saturdays, or at any time on Sundays and public holidays. Please note that fees may apply.
Online Appointment Booking​ via HotDoc
Visit Click on "GP" and then search for "CHATSWOOD" or "The Station Medical Clinic". Alternatively, you can go directly to the practice website at and select online bookings to book an appointment.
Services Available
General medical consultations, preventive health, pap smears and pregnancy testing, travel vaccinations, childhood immunisations, work cover, pre-employment medicals, insurance and driving medicals, ECG cardiac risk assessment, INR testing, full pathology services, treatment room, nursing home attendance, home visits, minor surgery, iron infusions and medicinal cannabis clinic.

Bulk billing is available for eligible patients, except for the following: Workers' Compensation, Third Party claims, Pre-employment Medicals, Driving, Insurance, Sports Medicals, and Travel Vaccinations.
For a full list of standard fees, please visit
our Consultation Fees Page.
Clinic Etiquette,
Mobile Phone,
& Child Supervision Policy
Please turn off your mobile phone during your consultation. Refrain from engaging in loud conversations on your phone in the waiting area. Open food or drink is not allowed inside the waiting room and consultation rooms. Additionally, please monitor children closely to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all.

Contacting Your Doctor
There may be times when it is necessary to contact your doctor without visiting the clinic. Please provide your name, address, and date of birth to the receptionist to ensure the correct information is relayed to the doctor. If the doctor cannot take your call immediately, you will be called back at the earliest opportunity. Please note that it is the policy of this clinic not to communicate with patients via email.
Recalls & Reminders
Our practice is dedicated to preventative care. You may receive reminder notices occasionally, offering preventative health services tailored to your care needs. Additionally, we participate in state/territory reminder systems. If you prefer not to be part of this system, please inform the doctor during your consultation.
Questionnaires & Complaints
From time to time, our clinic invites patients to complete questionnaires to gather their views on the practice and identify areas for improvement. These surveys are strictly confidential and crucial for enhancing our health service delivery to you. If you are ever dissatisfied with any aspect of your care, you are welcome to speak directly with the practice manager while at the clinic. Alternatively, you can provide feedback or lodge a complaint by contacting the Practice Manager at 94117916. We assure you that your concerns will be addressed promptly and confidentially.
Should you feel the need to discuss the matter outside of the clinic, please contact:
Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Bag 18, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 2012
Tel: 1800 043 159

Health Information Policy
Your personal health record is a confidential document, protected by staff who have committed to a Confidentiality Agreement. It is the clinic's policy to ensure the security of your records and that information is accessible only to authorized members and staff. Information from your health record can be obtained through a pre-arranged consultation with a General Practitioner or one of the Medical Directors. The transfer of information from your record to other practitioners or professionals requires your written consent. We kindly request that you inform our staff of any changes to your contact details.